Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Blogmas Day 6 ¦ A pretty huge festive lush haul

I absolutely love Lush at the best of times but at Christmas I super duper love it. There are just so many pretty things and so many sparkles and I just can't resist it. I thought today I would show you everything that I picked up from the Christmas range. I have a couple of bits from the autumnal range as well so without further ado lets get into it.
 So start with the non bath bomb/bubble bar bits I picked up two shower gels, the first being the infamous Snow fairy which I have to have a little bottle over every year and the other being Lord of Misrule. This actually isn't one I have tried before however I loved the heavy scent and though it would be perfect for this time of year. I also picked up a new lip scrub as my bubble gum one was getting to the point where it definitely needed to go. It took me a while to decide but in the end I went for the Santa's belly lip scrub which taste like cherry coke. Then finally for non bath bits I had to pick up a shower jelly. My original intention was to get the shower jelly to match the lip scrub so in the end I decided to pick up the Snowman jelly instead which I'm so glad I did as it smells incredible.
Moving onto things for the bath and starting with bubble bars the first two I picked up are old favourites, I always pick up a Candy mountain and a Christmas penguin as I just love them. Candy mountain is actually the first ever thing I had from Lush so it holds a very special place in my heart and I just love how cute the Christmas penguin is and as a bonus he smells fab too. In terms of new bubble bars for this year I picked up Ruby red slippers which is just incredible. The scent is quite heavily floral however I couldn't resist the red glitter so I just had to buy it. I also picked up Big bang which is the gorgeous bright blue bubble bar which I cannot wait to put in my bath as I feel like it's going to turn the water such a cool colour. Finally for bubble bars I picked up the Santasaurus bubble bar which is possibly one of the cutest things I've ever seen and I just couldn't resist.
For my Christmas eve bath I settled on the Luxury lush pud which is one of the more pricey bath bombs in the collection. I just love the colours in this and I remember using it last year and completely loving it. Another one of my festive favourites and so many other too is Snow white this one just has the most perfect fresh apple scent and makes a fab morning bath. I also picked up Autumn leaves which I'm pretty sure is the only product I got that isn't from the Christmas collection but I'd seen so many demos of this one I just had to give it a go. Stardust looks like a really boring bath bomb as it's just a plain star however I just love it to bits, the scent is very calming and I find it's a really fab one for relaxing tired muscles in. Second to last we have Never mind the ballistics. I cannot wait to use this one as I'm pretty sure the pink layer on top is a layer of bath melt which if it is will make the bath water so lovely and hydrating. The final bath bomb in  today's huge haul is something I have had recommended to me so many times and it's Shoot for the stars. I have seen so much about this one in the past couple of weeks and I have to say it's one of the ones I'm most looking forward to!


  1. I must try that snow fairy shower gel, hear so much about it :)

    Lotte | www.lottebeautybox.blogspot.co.uk

  2. I've never tried lush before, but I've heard a lot of great things about their products! These products seem great and I definitely want to try these out!



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