Wednesday, September 03, 2014

What I ate Wednesday #3

 I'm not sure if you guys even like these posts but I really love writing them so I'm going to carry on! I'd love to know if you do enjoy posts as I'd love to make them a weekly thing! 

I had an apple and peanut butter breakfast muffin for breakfast. If you fancy knowing how to make one of these check out the recipe post I put up //Here// I also had the other half of the apple that went into it and some extra peanut butter! 

For lunch I decided to have some mini pizzas, I used a warburtons wholemeal thin. Which I spread on a little bit of tomato puree and topped with sweetcorn ham and some cheese and popped them under the grill until all the cheese had melted! I also had some lettuce, carrot and red cabbage.

For dinner we had Chinese chicken and mushroom curry with pasta (as my dad doesn't like rice) I think the sauce for this was from tesco, and it was super yummy! 

So that's it for today. Please let me know if you enjoy these posts? 

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of making Warburtons thins into mini pizzas! They'd make the perfect base, how have I not tried this?? Well, I know what I'm making this weekend!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland


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